YAML 1.1 Working Draft (551 words)
Hey, look what you didn’t know was coming: YAML 1.1.
Seven Christmases (67 words)
Matz shows off the seven years of Christmas releases he’s given us all. My first Ruby was 1.6.4. -
DRb & instance_eval (130 words)
There is a nice, little, documented security hole in DRb. -
Google Search For Rails (97 words)
Buncha great stuff comin out at Technoblog.
Method Check: defined? (417 words)
How would it be if, today, I blew you away with a Ruby keyword, huh? -
The Package Advisor (90 words)
Have you seen this page on the RPA wiki? The Package Advisor.
Officialized PaginationHelper (138 words)
Regarding the story last week on the PaginationHelper for Rails, its author has updated the code and
RedSighted (71 words)
Truly precious: a directory of images free-tagged as ruby in Flickr. -
Rails Grand Opening (96 words)
Steamin right along. Rails, that is.
SQLite3 Tremors (78 words)
SQLite3 is fast upon us. -
Ruby 1.8.2 Released (51 words)
Santa Matz takes his job seriously.
Cream Of The Free-Tagged (54 words)
Hey, I noticed this in the referrer logs. -
5.gets DavidHeinemeierHansson (672 words)
David Heinemeier Hansson was virtually unknown in the Ruby community a year ago. -
Behind The Day Boxes (443 words)
Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed wrote yesterday, asking how the day header boxes work that you see to the
Centralized Logging With WEBrick (320 words)
WEBrick is sittin pretty. We owe it dearly. -
Is Advogato Relevant? (241 words)
Advogato is a joint journaling site for developers.
DHH Jams (58 words)
The next interview in the 5.gets series will feature David Heinemeier Hansson. -
5 Sites I'm Waiting On (176 words)
Here are the top 5 community sites that I’ve been refreshing for a month or longer, hoping for -
Possible Rails Logos (133 words)
Hicks Design, the design firm behind the brilliant Firefox and Thunderbird logos, has been entrusted -
5.gets TomCopeland (382 words)
Tom Copeland is the administrator for RubyForge, which opened in July 2003 and now hosts over 450
Automating Your Rails Upgrade (138 words)
If you’re going to be upgrading from Rails 0.8.5 to 0.9. -
Santa Matz (98 words)
success with the facial hair of its designer, Matz offered this spritely pic of his Christmas beard. -
Method Check: String#sum (168 words)
String#sum( n = 16 ) computes an n-bit checksum for a string. -
Batsman's 5-Line Wiki (139 words)
Drop the code below in a file called w7.cgi. -
Pardon And Welcome (138 words)
Let me also take a moment to introduce this site.
RDoc Without Frames (A Concept) (173 words)
Can we all relate to the yelps on Ruby-Talk for cleaner output from RDoc? -
A Pagination Helper For Rails (261 words)
Looking for some quick pagination for your Rails application? -
Ruby in Your Sock (326 words)
Think about this. A red lipstick USB drive with Ruby goods on it.
A File-Sharing Paragraph (405 words)
Lately, the Ruby-Talk mailing list has been wonderful.