Try Ruby: Resets and Chapter Hops (88 words)
A couple new commands in Try Ruby! -
I Thought Process::detach Was My Friend (280 words)
So, Try Ruby has been riddled with problems. -
205,000 Lines of Ruby Code Donated in the Try Ruby Drive (326 words)
You hear that sound?
One Small Flask of Metaprogramming Elixir (309 words)
We could make metaprogramming easier for the common streetsfolk.
Hey, Alright, RailsConf! (152 words)
Outrageous, my friends. The RailsConf is on. June 22nd through the 25th, 2006. In Chicago.
Arity Makes Good Curry (122 words)
kig just dropped this snip in the comments of the pipes discussion, which had morphed into a -
Someone's Growing an Annotator for Himself and Others (333 words)
If you haven’t already subscribed, Mauricio Fernandez’ new blog at eigenclass.
How to Injure a Wink'r (194 words)
If it bothers you—these winkers commenting on your blog without your persuasion—you might
Hopping Through Pipes and Closures (165 words)
Again, just an example of Ruby’s flexibility.
Signal vs. Noise Closes Comments to Non-Hoodwink'rs (109 words)
s fun to comment on a blog when the author of the blog can’t read your comments, however: it is. -
My Repository Transplant (582 words)
I’ve moved all of my source code out of CVS and injected it all into a clean set of SVN
JSON Closer to YAML, But No Cigar (Thanks Alot, Whitespace!) (233 words)
A while ago, I had an epiphany about all JSON being valid YAML. Great news, right?
Real Estate Hackers Prevailing? (297 words)
The new Rails-based board game llor.nu opened a few days ago.
MenTaL on Monads in Ruby (79 words)
Hey, there’s more Ruby to talk about. Can you believe it?
Matz Just Sent Me a Ruby Script From 2009 (144 words)
It suddenly toppled through this DRb port I just opened!
Ruby Cries Out (45 words)
Your exceptions are hurting Ruby, in a deep and meaningful way.
The Sounds of Selenium Testing Your Weblickation (55 words)
I just got a note from Luke Closs about a podcast where he talks about Selenium, a tool for automated -
require 'thin_ice' (167 words)
Danger. Danger. Danger. urirequire has been released. -
Handfuls of Rails Nails (333 words)
Once we were only wading to the knee in Rails documentation.