Comma-e #
Gorou’s 2nd Life is a blog from Ruby’s homeland (.jp) which has a nifty trick if you edit your YAML documents in Vim. (Which I do for this blog.) Comma-e spits your YAML out in a Ruby structure, a decent quick validation.
autocmd FileType yaml nmap ,e :execute '!ruby -ryaml -e "begin;YAML::load(open('."'"."%"."'".","."'"."r"."'".').read); rescue ArgumentError=>e;puts e;end"'<CR>
You’ll need to remove line breaks in the above.
gabriele renzi
_why, are you actually hunting in the japanese ruby blog community? I always wanted this, I’m getting frightened by you reading my mind
Robert McGovern
Mmm, there seems to be no end to _why’s talents.
I’d love to know how he has the time to have a career, keep two blogs going, hunt down the photo stuff that he does, write a book, do the programming he does for the ruby community and now exaime and bring helpful information from Japanese ruby blogs.
Well, it saves a ton of time when you guys do the bragging for me. Now stop. (Plus thanks.)
But he have shown his doubt about writability of YAML data by hand, just like XML require an XML -aware editor for bigger data. YAML editor might be an good idea.
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