Using Hashes to Memoize #
Whoa, here’s a meme I totally overlooked a month ago. But Mauricio’s brought it back for us with his log parsing script. Originally, the idea was just to use Hashes to cache method results. But Mauricio’s combined it with Marshal so you can cache memoization on disk!
His example is perfect:
iptocountry = do |h,ip| h[ip] = `geoiplookup #{ip}`.chomp.gsub(/^GeoIP Country Edition: /,"") end iptocountry.update Marshal.load("geo.cache")) rescue nil
The iptocountry
hash pairs up IP address and their geographic location. Presumably, many of Mauricio’s visitors return often, so this saves his computer a lot of exhaustion. He saves old pairs in geo.cache
and if he ever asks the Hash for an IP that hasn’t been looked up, it goes to the shell command to lookup the location. Brilliant!
As I was saying, this idea has been building. MenTaL talked about using (definitely read it, it’s very simple!) and Doug Landauer expanded into how to use to memoize the Fibonacci series. This is going to replace Ajax in 2006.
Nice. Of course, why not serialize with YAML ?
I remember twiddling with serialization back in the pre-YAML days. I came to regret using Marshal one day when I upgraded Ruby and then all of my goldfish were dead.
Sure, Marshal has its place, but when you’re just storing a hash of strings? YAML is the thing.
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