RDoc Without Frames (A Concept) #
Can we all relate to the yelps on Ruby-Talk for cleaner output from RDoc? (For an example of an RDoc site, see ActiveRecord.) More recently, RDoc has also offered a four-pane view.
John W. Long offered a mockup he did for a Class-per-page layout which uses IFRAMEs to avoid cluttering, but allow the same navigation. Though he hasn’t had time to work them out completely, he’s implemented the HTML and offered his work up for anyone to finish.
Update: John’s templates are here. Personally, something like this would be a killer idea for a codefest. John has also asked that we be sure to include a copyright attribution. Thanks, John!
Update № 2: The templates do not use IFRAMEs. Those are DIVs = better browser support. John has also indicated that the templates are copyright-free, so everybody can settle down.
Recently I was thinking a tree might nice:
Then you can move down under any of them even further.
Somthing like that.
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