hoodwink.d enhanced


The SQLite3 Gem (_why's sensibilities repack) #

by why in cult

Here’s to making sqlite3-ruby a much better gem.

 gem install sqlite3-ruby --source code.whytheluckystiff.net

The updates are:

  1. No pure Ruby driver. Ruby/DL was causing deadlock and invalid SQL errors.
  2. Windows DLLs included. Windows users shouldn’t have to install anything from the SQLite site.
  3. Pre-generated SWIG wrappers. No need to install SWIG to compile.
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tres cool, mr stiff. your productivity rate astounds me as ever.

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Woo hoo! ( From Windowsland, presently. )

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Yey! Now we can camp out on Windows all the more easily

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Woohoo! Thanks a ten-million.

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Many thanks, _why. I was just thinking yesterday that I needed to do those three things. I’d be happy to make this the next official release, unless you have any objections.

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Finally! Let’s see if I got rid of those annoying invalid SQL errors now.

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Any chance of you stumbling across the yet-to-be-released-to-Windows-for-over-12-months GNU Emacs 21.4?


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Yes, I’ll work up a diff, Jamis. This is just so my little echelon here can try it all out.

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What about RubyInline instead of Ruby/DL?

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This is further proof that why is actually five people.

I expect that why-2 will implement the remaining features of rSpec tomorrow and why-[3..5] are working on a brand new Ruby interpreter that will be finished in 3 weeks.

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You mustn’t leave out why-6, who is working on a ruby-svn bindings gem with the above three features. He works the night shift, so expect it by morning.

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_why! you wonderful beast, you have removed yet one more step between a fresh computer and camping. fantastic!

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sounds like a b-side remix :D :D

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I’ve long suspected _why is a non-sequiter and ruby code generation algorithm, rather than a flesh-and-blood person. His impressive output confirms it. I betcha Matz has a cluster of new XServes running _why 1.13, working on YARV even now.

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Dude, _why’s a dude. It’s been geproven by SWISS -GERMAN SCIENTISTS .

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im getting : * extconf.rb failed * (on ubuntu) – any ideas ?

said on DD Mon YYYY at HH:MM

* do fancy stuff in your comment.