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Ad-Hoc Plugins Repository Forming Around Rails Wiki #

by why in inspect

The new Rails release (0.14) includes a very loose support for plugins, right? You drop plugins in vender/plugins and done. At David’s request, folks have been dropping their plugins on the wiki and now you can get a script which scans the wiki page for URIs and presents you with a list of plugins you can install.

 $ cd my-rails-app
 $ curl http://lesscode.org/svn/rtomayko/rails/scripts/plugin > script/plugin
 $ chmod +x script/plugin

This reminds me of the old RAA-Install that got born after RubyConf 2002. I love this kind of hack’ry. Using the simplest of protocols and conventions to get bootstrapped.

said on 28 Oct 2005 at 15:47

Nikolai Weibull

said on 28 Oct 2005 at 15:49

Gah! Stupid browser…Anyway, my smug response was going to be: “And then building multiple tiers of protocols and conventions on that initial simple one…”

said on 28 Oct 2005 at 17:01

Where on the wiki?

said on 29 Oct 2005 at 11:11
said on 31 Oct 2005 at 15:26

script/plugin is now in the beta gems and will be part of the next release.

said on 08 Nov 2005 at 08:27

Rails 0.14.3 and above contains this script by default.

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