Ruby Morse.mid Maker #
Dan Berger just dropped a link to a pile of random Ruby scripts. Among which is an ASCII-morse-to-MIDI-morse translator. This terrifies me. I mean, really, what is going to stop me from spending the next 24 hours coding an EPIC script which will translate #ruby-lang into audible morse?? And then how will I resist the insatiable urge to add a telegraph peripheral to my machine and cause it to usher my taps back into IRC?? A new day is dawning. It’s called 1838 Part II.
So true. Ever read The Victorian Internet?
Adding a telegraph key isn’t too hard; just break open a cheap USB mouse and wire the key to one of the mouse button contacts.
(Not that The Victorian Internet has anything to do with attaching morse peripherals to computers.)
That is pretty damn cool. I considered writing something like that, but alas, someone beat me to it (again!) Darn those psychic Ruby developers! Get out of my mind!
There is more information, including other (non-Ruby) programs at
oops, turned off javascript, so couldn’t look up how to do that as a link.
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