You Know Sasada-san? Yeah, Koichi Sasada at NamikiLab in Tokyo? Know What? He's Apparently the Chosen Son-Shi. Get a Load of That! #
Huge, exciting news. But stay calm. Keep your vitamins in your pocket. Try your hardest not to yank the ejection lever. This is all hearsay from IRC.
<vruz> matz: any news about Ruby 2.0 ? Rite ? whatever comes next ? <matz> vruz: I have talked with Koichi Sasada, and he agreed to merge his YARV in the current interpreter. <matz> I _hope_ VARV will be core engine before the end of this year.
Matz called this coming leader by the name son-shi. I’d call him son-shi just for assembling the instruction table. This table comes from the bleeding-edge in his svn. I’m totally amazed at the diary he keeps on his progress.
More on building YARV in an earlier post. (The instructions still work for 0.2.0.)
A note: Daigo has been recommending that we use another word rather than “son-shi” when addressing Koichi (since the title has been used when referring to the terrorist cult leader Shoukou ASAHARA.) He recommends tai-tyou or mei-zin as possible nicer “good guy” subsitutes. Cheers, Daigo!
Furthermore: Matz did identify the impending title of son-shi to Sasada-san in October 2004. In the postscript, he equates son-shi with another Japanese word, but Mailman has the encoding messed up.
Addendum 12: And so on. Check the comments, gheesh.
I vote for an honorary lordship for Koichi-san just for what YARV is at 0.2.0.
Exciting news although I sort of assumed this was public knowledge from earlier remarks by Matz-ue.
IIRC koich sais on the yarv ml he’d like to merge yarv with eval.c in the summer. Go find bugs in it now!
Daniel Berger
When was he assimilated by the Borg? Nice eye patch.
YARV rocks. Can’t wait to run Rails on YARV .
Matz was providing the Japanese characters for son-shi. (And mailman’s fine; just switch your browser to iso-2022-jp.)
In unicode, it’s 尊 師. “Venerable teacher”, roughly, in Chinese (zun1shi1).
topic is YARV and Ruby.
hint: not Rails.
thank you
Rails and Yarv article on Slashdot! Good luck to every Ruby programmer!
sonshi means ‘the Reverend’, so it’s not at all limited to Shoukou ASAHARA who was a cult leader.
yaeh, and rails have absolutely nothing to do with ruby, correct ?
so please, stop enforcing your stupidity upon others , or else
vruz.slap until vruz.unconscious? ;-)
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